Thursday, May 30, 2024

Craft-A-Flower Daisies with Vellum

This month in the FB Altenew Fan Group there have been daily prompts to follow for the May challenge, and recently one of the prompts was to use vellum in a card. I decided to use vellum for the base of these flowers and leaves from Altenew's Craft-A-Flower: Daisies and die cut the tops from watercolor papers I had used different sprays and inks on. Then I created a background panel for the flowers using white card stock with purple inks. I added that to a top-folding black A2 card base and popped up my flowers using foam tape. A quick and fun card! 

Close up of the flowers:

Challenges I'm entering: 
May 2024 Inspiration Challenge (

Beautiful Blossoms Challenge: ATG with flowers as the focus (3/6; ends 6/12/24)

The Paper Funday Challenges: ATG with optional theme of Flower Shoppe

Inspiration Station ( The photo features lovely flowers, and my card has flowers as its theme

Word Art Wednesday: ATG (2/5 for the week; 4/10 for the challenge; ends 6/5/24)

A Place To Start ( ATG or For A Lady (ends at the end of the month) Rising Star Pick Week 4 Lots of texture (ends 6/3/24)

No more challenges. 



  1. These gorgeous florals are large and in charge! Thanks for sharing with us at The Inspiration Station, Paper Funday and Beautiful Blossoms Challenges. We look forward to seeing more of your designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge

  2. Beautiful floral card! Thanks for joining us at A Place To Start!

  3. Carrie, your card is a wow for sure and I'm loving it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Inspiration Station Challenge Blog this month. Smiles, Kathy DT

  4. Nice vellum project! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  5. What a fabulous way to use vellum and the inky die cut blossoms and background make for a wonderfully artsy look!
    We always love to see your flowers at Beautiful Blossoms Challenge!
    Thank you for sharing with us!
    xoxo, Aimeslee DT
